Second training session for Innortifloris

Increasingly sustainable crops: second training session for Innortifloris project partners.

Two days of training activities aimed at the project partners of “Innortifloris”, the project which, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to transfer and validate a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants of both ornamental and horticultural interest in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.

The training action already started last April at the headquarters of the Trapani Piante company continues. On 29 and 30 June, in the presence of sector operators, teachers from the Universities of Catania and Palermo had the opportunity to delve deeper into the issues of effectiveness and sustainability at company level of the integrated use of entomophages and bioinsecticides in the protection of hibiscus and dipladenia from phytophages.

Part of the training will aim to familiarize you with the partners’ resources for the valorisation of the intangible attributes of products on the markets, with the principles of traceability systems “from field to fork” and with certified quality systems.

Innortifloris, a project financed by the Sicilian Region in implementation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, aims to validate innovative tools for the integrated protection of ornamental and horticultural plants to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.