Innortifloris: the first training course aimed at partners and staff involved in the project

INNORTIFLORIS: the first information course aimed at staff involved in the project

Two days of training events took place on 27 and 28 April at the headquarters of the Trapani Piante Company as part of the project “INNORTIFLORIS. INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE INTEGRATED HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL PRODUCTIONS” which, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to transfer and validate a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants of both ornamental and horticultural interest in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics. The subject of the innovations are potted hibiscus and dipladenia plants and strawberry crops to obtain fruit for the production of jams. At the headquarters of the Lead Partner, the company Società Agricola Trapani S.R.L. in the Ferla district of Petrosino, an initial training session was held to introduce and adapt the innovation of the project, curated by teachers from the Universities of Palermo and Catania. Participating are the teachers Prof. Gaetano Siscaro and Prof. Gaetana Mazzeo from the University of Catania – Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment; and Professors Leo Sabatino, Salvatore La Bella and Fabio D’Anna of the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences.

“The project was born from the desire to rationalize and improve the use of natural antagonists in the protection of crops – states the project coordinator and administrator of the Lead Company Vincenzo Trapani – A practice widely used in our company which requires further innovations and integrations We are happy to start coordinating this project which involves many entities and companies in the provinces of Trapani, Agrigento, Palermo and Catania with the aim of making our work even more efficient and sustainable”.