INNORTIFLORIS: testing has begun on some plant species

At the headquarters of the Lead Partner, the agricultural company Trapani Srl, experimental actions have been activated as part of the INNORTIFLORIS project, which aims to validate innovative tools for the integrated protection of ornamental and horticultural plants to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic characteristics and healthy.

Various treatments are active on dipladenia potted plants ranging from the application of biotechnical methods, such as the insertion of “biopesticides” of vegetal origin (azadirachtin) and microbiological (Beauveria bassiana) to programmed releases of predatory entomophages (phytoseiid mites, anthocorids, coccinellids, lacewings) and parasitoids (braconid and aphelinid hymenoptera). Furthermore, systems for monitoring and mass capture of phytophages are being tested with innovative chromotropic traps enhanced with pheromones for the control of Bemisia tabaci and Frankliniella Occidentalis on hibiscus and dipladenia, as well as the use of anti-parasitic traps with contrasting patterns.

Furthermore, other experimental fields will soon be activated to test the innovations proposed within the project on hibiscus, dipladenia and cycad plants.