Country day: visit to the experimental fields

Country day: visit to the experimental fields

Country day: visit to the experimental fields of Hibiscus, Dipladenia, Cicas and Fragola

The first Campaign Day carried out as part of the “INNORTIFLORIS: innovations in sustainable integrated horticultural and floricultural production” project is scheduled for Thursday 26 October 2023. An event will be held from 2.30pm to 6.30pm at the headquarters of the Agricultural Society Trapani Srl (C.Da Ferla -91020 Petrosino) to delve deeper into the experimental study and research work of the Project.

Specifically, the following activities will be held:
1) Visit to the experimental fields of Hibiscus, Dipladenia, Cicas and Fragola;
2) Use of entomophages and bioinsecticides;
3) Phytophagous monitoring systems;
4) Inoculation of Hibiscus plants with microbial biostimulants;
5) Fertigation management, through different nitric/ammonia nitrogen ratios of Hibiscus plants.

They will speak:
Prof. Gaetano Siscaro, Department DI3A _ UNICT
Prof. Gaetana Mazzeo, Department DI3A _ UNICT
Prof. Leo Sabatino, SAAF Department _ UNIPA
Prof. Salvatore La Bella, SAAF UNIPA Department Dr. Vincenzo Trapani, Lead Company Società Agricola Trapani srl

First training course aimed at partners and project staff

First training course aimed at partners and project staff

Training courses for project operators

A two-day training event was held on 27 and 28 April at the headquarters of the Trapani Piante company as part of the “INNORTIFLORIS. INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE INTEGRATED HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL PRODUCTIONS” which, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to transfer and validate a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants of both ornamental and horticultural interest in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic characteristics and healthy.

Specialist training

Project partners

Second training session aimed at partners and project staff

Second training session aimed at partners and project staff

Training courses for project operators

Two days of training events will be held on 29 and 30 June at the Trapani Piante company headquarters as part of the “INNORTIFLORIS. INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE INTEGRATED HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL PRODUCTIONS”.
In the presence of sector operators, teachers from the Universities of Catania and Palermo will delve into the issues of effectiveness and sustainability at company level of the integrated use of entomophages and bioinsecticides in the protection of hibiscus and dipladenia from phytophages.

Specialist training

Project partners