Innortifloris: the first training course aimed at partners and staff involved in the project

INNORTIFLORIS: the first information course aimed at staff involved in the project

Two days of training events took place on 27 and 28 April at the headquarters of the Trapani Piante Company as part of the project “INNORTIFLORIS. INNOVATIONS IN SUSTAINABLE INTEGRATED HORTICULTURAL AND FLORAL PRODUCTIONS” which, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to transfer and validate a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants of both ornamental and horticultural interest in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics. The subject of the innovations are potted hibiscus and dipladenia plants and strawberry crops to obtain fruit for the production of jams. At the headquarters of the Lead Partner, the company Società Agricola Trapani S.R.L. in the Ferla district of Petrosino, an initial training session was held to introduce and adapt the innovation of the project, curated by teachers from the Universities of Palermo and Catania. Participating are the teachers Prof. Gaetano Siscaro and Prof. Gaetana Mazzeo from the University of Catania – Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment; and Professors Leo Sabatino, Salvatore La Bella and Fabio D’Anna of the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Sciences.

“The project was born from the desire to rationalize and improve the use of natural antagonists in the protection of crops – states the project coordinator and administrator of the Lead Company Vincenzo Trapani – A practice widely used in our company which requires further innovations and integrations We are happy to start coordinating this project which involves many entities and companies in the provinces of Trapani, Agrigento, Palermo and Catania with the aim of making our work even more efficient and sustainable”.

Second training session for Innortifloris

Increasingly sustainable crops: second training session for Innortifloris project partners.

Two days of training activities aimed at the project partners of “Innortifloris”, the project which, through a multidisciplinary approach, intends to transfer and validate a series of innovative tools for the integrated protection of cultivated plants of both ornamental and horticultural interest in order to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.

The training action already started last April at the headquarters of the Trapani Piante company continues. On 29 and 30 June, in the presence of sector operators, teachers from the Universities of Catania and Palermo had the opportunity to delve deeper into the issues of effectiveness and sustainability at company level of the integrated use of entomophages and bioinsecticides in the protection of hibiscus and dipladenia from phytophages.

Part of the training will aim to familiarize you with the partners’ resources for the valorisation of the intangible attributes of products on the markets, with the principles of traceability systems “from field to fork” and with certified quality systems.

Innortifloris, a project financed by the Sicilian Region in implementation of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, aims to validate innovative tools for the integrated protection of ornamental and horticultural plants to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic and health characteristics.

INNORTIFLORIS: testing has begun on some plant species

At the headquarters of the Lead Partner, the agricultural company Trapani Srl, experimental actions have been activated as part of the INNORTIFLORIS project, which aims to validate innovative tools for the integrated protection of ornamental and horticultural plants to obtain products with reduced toxicological risk and high organoleptic characteristics and healthy.

Various treatments are active on dipladenia potted plants ranging from the application of biotechnical methods, such as the insertion of “biopesticides” of vegetal origin (azadirachtin) and microbiological (Beauveria bassiana) to programmed releases of predatory entomophages (phytoseiid mites, anthocorids, coccinellids, lacewings) and parasitoids (braconid and aphelinid hymenoptera). Furthermore, systems for monitoring and mass capture of phytophages are being tested with innovative chromotropic traps enhanced with pheromones for the control of Bemisia tabaci and Frankliniella Occidentalis on hibiscus and dipladenia, as well as the use of anti-parasitic traps with contrasting patterns.

Furthermore, other experimental fields will soon be activated to test the innovations proposed within the project on hibiscus, dipladenia and cycad plants.

Country day: visit to the experimental fields of Hibiscus, Dipladenia, Cicas and Fragola

The first Campaign Day carried out as part of the “INNORTIFLORIS: innovations in sustainable integrated horticultural and floricultural production” project is scheduled for Thursday 26 October 2023. An event will be held from 2.30pm to 6.30pm at the headquarters of the Agricultural Society Trapani Srl (C.Da Ferla -91020 Petrosino) to delve deeper into the experimental study and research work of the Project.

Specifically, the following activities will be held:
1) Visit to the experimental fields of Hibiscus, Dipladenia, Cicas and Fragola;
2) Use of entomophages and bioinsecticides;
3) Phytophagous monitoring systems;
4) Inoculation of Hibiscus plants with microbial biostimulants;
5) Fertigation management, through different nitric/ammonia nitrogen ratios of Hibiscus plants.

They will speak:
Prof. Gaetano Siscaro, Department DI3A _ UNICT
Prof. Gaetana Mazzeo, Department DI3A _ UNICT
Prof. Leo Sabatino, SAAF Department _ UNIPA
Prof. Salvatore La Bella, SAAF UNIPA Department Dr. Vincenzo Trapani, Lead Company Società Agricola Trapani srl